Friday, May 6, 2011


I have found that I am becoming more tolerant of others' opinions as I get older.  While I have my own definite opinions, I have no problem letting other people express their different opinions as long as they're civil and also respect my beliefs.  However, I am learning that not everyone has the capability of being civil in a public forum. 

One of the best things about Facebook is the ability to reconnect with people from your childhood.  I was very happy to find a childhood friend after more than 40 years had passed.  We had a wonderful time reminiscing about the old neighborhood, the old school, and old friends.  However, whenever I posted anything with a political theme, She bombarded my page with lengthy diatribes against the people for whom I vote and support.  Several messages were rambling, angry, misspelled posts that should have been embarrassing to her.  She sent me speeches from members of Congress with the instructions to "watch with an open mind." 

I asked her to stop trying to convert me and refrain from stirring the political pot on my page.  I was accused several times of "drinking the kool-aid served by Rush Limbaugh." I find that reference offensive, knowing how many people died as the result of a madman.  I was accused of being mean-spirited, ignorant (of the facts as she sees them), and unable to make a decision without the help of (as she calls it) "Faux News."  She obviously has bad opinions of public education, too.  Her children are home-schooled.  By her.  Very frightening when you look at her grammar, spelling, and unwillingness to accept any opinion other than hers.

After a while, almost everything I posted on Facebook was subject to her rants about the evil Republicans and how they're destroying America.  I deleted most of them for two reasons. 

(1)   I have many well-educated, compassionate, very nice Republican friends on Facebook who would likely take offense to her nonsense.
(2)I have many well-educated, compassionate, very nice Democrat friends on Facebook who would likely be embarrassed by her nonsense.
While I disagree politically with about half of my friends on Facebook, I have never been attacked for my beliefs until now.  Most of my friends respect my opinions, as I do theirs.  It's the fringe lunatics on both sides of the spectrum who make it difficult for this country to come together and take care of the problems we are now facing.  I learned a long time ago to eliminate unneeded stress in my life wherever possible.  So, Laura, I have "unfriended" you.  I am sad that you could not respect my right to have an opinion other than yours.   I wish you much luck and hope you live a long, healthy life. 


Anonymous said...

I have so much respect for this post. I truly believe that if all of us could allow others to have their own ideas expressed and not attacked, the world would be a MUCH better place. Thank you for sharing this!