Thursday, August 12, 2010

Life's Uncertainty

These past two weeks have been tough.  We lost two very good friends who meant a lot to both of us.  The first was Lavell Hallmark, who worked for us for a long time and became a good friend, along with her husband and her children.  We were both very sad when we heard.  She apparently had a liver transplant after a history of hepatitis from a blood transfusion, and died from complications.  It was so sad.

The second is a friend for more than 30 years.  Bob Damesworth married one of my oldest and closest friends in 1974.  They were inseparable.  Bob appeared to be in great shape, playing tennis and golf weekly, avoiding red meat, no smoking, no alcohol.  He was playing tennis in North Carolina with a client, had a heart attack and died.  We still can't believe it.  We heard that his cholesterol was up over 400.  Bob and Debbie don't believe in taking medications.  Now I have to be careful not to pass judgment about whether a simple statin could have saved his life had he been taking one to reduce his cholesterol.  Debbie is going to have a tough time working through this.  They were so close.  She depended on him for so much.  I'm worried about her.  We had hoped to take a cruise with them next spring.  It just won't be the same without Bob. 


Slater By Design said...

Sorry for your losses! Quick or prolonged...friend (human or pet) or foe, they all seem to have a profound and ripple effect on me these days.